When I first stepped away from the game I love, I struggled heavily with depression. I had never fully developed a clear vision for my life after football. I knew I wanted to get a “good job,” make “a ton of money” and be “successful,” but I felt lost and overwhelmed having no idea what I wanted to do with my life.
There was constant chatter in my head:
"What's the best career path for me? Why am I not hearing back from any of these jobs I'm applying for?Should I go back to school for an MBA? Should I start my own business? How do I even start a business?"
After several years of stumbling around in the emotional darkness of uncertainty, I began to
take my eyes off of myself and focus on serving others. I now run an intensive program for
retired athletes who are struggling to adapt to life after sports.
It’s become my personal mission and passion to reach out and help others overcome the fear, frustration, and uncertainty associated with life post-athletics. I am also the host of the Thrive After Sports podcast, which is available on all platforms.

The Mission is Simple: To Equip Athletes With the Tools to Thrive in Life After Sports.
We’ll give you the guidance you need to carve out a powerful new path for the rest of your life!
Schedule a Coaching Call If:
You feel stuck where you are, and don’t know what to do next
You’re tired of resistance, procrastination, and self-doubt beating you down
You’re ready to be the hero of your own, unique story
You’re willing to put the work in to improve your life
Do Not Schedule a Coaching Call if:
You’re looking for an easy path with someone doing all the work for you
You’re looking to get rich quick
You’re not ready to address the good, the bad, and the ugly within yourself
You’re not interested in helping others improve their lives while you improve yours